Image by C D-X
Image by C D-X
- Season 2 -
Awareness Culture
Join us, and a few friends for
Wellness Wednesdays as we partake in candid, and informative discussions that explore important topics such as holistic medicine, healing the mind and body, as well as natural alternatives to obtain optimal health.
Tune In to the ACW- Awareness... Culture... & Wellness Podcast. Available on Instagram, Spotify, Facebook and YouTube.
Tune in to ACW Podcast
every Wednesday
for a new and informative
thought provoking episode.
Episode 1
- Slaying Your Inner Dragon -
with Dr. Andrea Bowens-Jones
ACW Podcast host, Robin Gabriel-Parson celebrates a New Year a New You with special guest host Dr. Andrea Bowens-Jones, Polymer Chemist, Motivational Coach and Author discuss "Slaying Your Inner Dragons" and removing obstacles that stand in the way of your success. The key to this Personal Growth series centers around 4 key elements. (excerpt from transcript)
Number One - Know Your Truth, and this is about a framework. I give you a framework to help you understand your truth. So that's number one.
Number Two - Know Your Opponent. What are you fighting against? What are the things that have held you back and understanding them? Because you can defeat the enemy if you understand where his weakness is. That's what number two is about.
Number Three - Activate Your Inner Hero. This is about bringing out that greatness and walking into it.
Number Four - Sacrificing to Win. Understanding what you have to give up in order to get to that level of success that you desire, not just in 2021, but even beyond. (Full transcript is available at
Note: For more information about Dr. Andrea Bowens-Jones four part Personal Growth series “Slaying Your Invisible Dragons” please visit">
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ACW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
Episode 2
with Sanda "Mango" Brown
ACW Podcast encourages everyone to "Get Up and Get Moving" as host, Robin Gabriel-Parson celebrates a "New Year a New You" with special guest host Shanda "Mango" Brown, Entrepreneur, Fitness Trainer and owner of Domango Training. In this intimate this Personal Growth series Robin and Shanda discuss the 7 Benefits of Physical Activity. The exploration of the topic centers around the key elements that can empower you once activated. (excerpt from transcript)
1. Improves Quality of Life
2. Slows down the aging process
3. Builds muscle and strength
4. Improves Psychological Health
5. Weight Control
6. Combats Cardio-Vascular Disease
7. Improves Body Chemistry
The keys to accomplishing your wellness journey truly begins on the inside . "Mind, Body, & Spirit"
(Full transcript is available at
Note: For more information about Shanda "Mango" Brown and Domango Training: please visit
For more information about ACW Podcast please visit Partnerships in Fitness, LLC @
To leave comments about this episode, or suggestions for future episodes please forward to">
ACW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
Episode 3
with Dr. Gary Gabriel, Life Science Expert
In continuation of our Personal Growth series, Robin Gabriel-Parson, Host of ACW Podcast is joined by Life Science Expert, Dr. Gabriel Gabriel for a candid discussion of identifying keys that trigger "Self Doubt", and circumstances that contribute to a depressed Mind, Body, and Spirit. Listen in to learn new approaches to accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams of success in all areas of your life.
The key to living your best life today is to remember "Everything around you changes, when you decide to CHANGE..." .
Note: For more information about Dr. Gary Gabriel: please visit, or
For more information about ACW Podcast please visit Partnerships in Fitness, LLC @
To leave comments about this episode, or suggestions for future episodes please forward to">
ACW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
This week Robin Gabriel-Parson, Host of ACW Podcast is joined by Arturo Peal for a candid discussion of exploring the many available options of non traditional healing techniques used throughout the world to heal the body naturally, Listen in to learn new approaches to accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams of success in all areas of your life. "Living Your Best Life" today and every way. "It's All About Healing..."
Note: For more information about Arturo Peal: please visit, or Facebook: The Anatomy Whisperer
For more information about ACW Podcast please visit Partnerships in Fitness, LLC @
Before you go, be sure to visit and subscribe to our Partnerships in Fitness NOLA YouTube Channel and leave comments about this episode, or suggestions for future episodes. please forward to">
ACW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC
All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
Episode 5
with Natalie Pierson
Welcome back to another installment of the Awareness * Culture * Wellness Podcast. On this episode our host Robin Gabriel-Parson is joined by co-host Natalie Pierson from the University of Pennsylvania, and who is also a volunteer, and advocate for the American Heart Association. Their discussion centers around "Heart Health" and how you can improve your overall wellness by managing Life's Simple 7 . We Love with our heart. We Feel with our heart. We make life choices with our heart... both Good and Bad.
Topics of Discussion:
1. What are the statistics surrounding heart health and the African American population?
2. Who is at the greatest risk of dying from Heart Disease?
3. What are the basic symptoms of Heart Disease?
4. Why is it important to you manage your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels or numbers?
5. What is the “Life Simple 7” wellness program?
6. How can we implement the “Life Simple 7” wellness program within an interfaith community. Were you face with any challenges?
7. What are the “Life Simply 7” guidelines for physical activity?
Episode 6
with Carol Barber Pierre
This episode Robin Gabriel-Parson, host of ACW Podcast is joined by co host Carol Barber-Pierre, Assistant President of InterCultural Life at Tulane University New Orleans, and co founder of Casa Samba the first school of Samba in New Orleans. Together they introduce a tradition called carnival also known as Mardi Gras in New Orleans and discuss the cultural similarities between New Orleans and Brazil.
What is Carnival in New Orleans? It is a season centered around the Catholic Calendar; a calendar that reminds parishioners of their religious faith and obligations throughout the liturgical year. Carnival begins during the religious season of Epiphany - January 6, which is the official end of the Christmas season, and the beginning of Carnival season in New Orleans. Although some people use Carnival and Mardi Gras interchangeably, they are actually different things.
Although the historic origins of Carnival are not quite clear… Some scholars speculate the holiday began as a pagan festival in ancient Rome, while others think it started as a pre-Lenten Christian celebration. In-spite of its origins carnival in New Orleans is a time to eat, drink and be merry before the rigorous fasting and sacrifice during Lent. Mardi Gras events and celebrations are a part of the carnival season in New Orleans. Mardi Gras French for “Fat Tuesday” culminates on Tuesday the day before Ash Wednesday, which is known as Shrove Tuesday.
We will also highlight Casa Samba a school of Samba in New Orleans that promotes and promulgates Brazilian Carnival and Culture in the city of New Orleans during the Mardi Gras season and beyond. Come lets discover the flavors of New Orleans.
Note: For more information about Casa Samba: please visit, or Facebook, and Instagram For more information about ACW Podcast please visit Partnerships in Fitness, LLC @
Before you go, be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and leave comments about this episode, or suggestions for future episodes. please forward to"> ACW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
Episode 7
with Tasheena Cole Dunn
Welcome to ACW Podcast, thank you for joining us. I am Robin Gabriel Parson your host and our co-host today is Tasheena Cole-Dunn, Public Health Commentator. Our topic today is Heart Health. We will be sharing public health information, education, and resources available to the public- free of charge. These resources can assist anyone being affected by heart conditions.
Heart disease is the number one killer in the African American Community and on today podcast we will explore why this the case.
• What are the stats around heart health and the African American population?
• Who has the greatest risk of dying from Heart Disease?
• Is heart disease genetic?
• Based on research why is it that African Americans are being affected with Heart Disease more than any other ethnic group?
• What are some of the symptoms of Heart Disease?
• What are some of the Public Health resources available to educate the communities about Heart Disease?
• Why it is important that you manage your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels or numbers?
• How does nutrition play an important role in combating heart disease?
Note: For more information about Heart Health or to contact Tasheena Cole-Dunn please forward inquiries to: or contact her via Facebook, and Instagram
For more information about ACW Podcast please visit Partnerships in Fitness, LLC @ Before you go, be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and leave comments about this episode, or suggestions for future episodes. please forward to"> A
CW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
Episode 8
with Dr Gary Gabriel
Welcome to ACW Podcast, thank you for joining us. I am Robin Gabriel Parson your host and our co-host today is Dr. Gary Gabriel, Life Science Expert. Our topic today is Heart Health Awareness. We will be sharing heart health education in terms of the functions of the heart, we will highlight how stress affects the heart, we will address how poor nutrition weakens the heart and how the heart can be healed with self-care experiences.
Topics of Discussions:
1. The function of the most important organ in our body, the Heart.
2. The Importance of education around Heart Health .
3. How genetics play an important role when it comes to heart disease?
4. How stress affect the heart?
5. Food and Cardio Health
6. Ja-bodi aromatherapy self-care experience that assist with releasing stress and promote healing for the heart.
Note: For more information about Dr. Gary Gabriel: please visit, or
For more information about ACW Podcast please visit Partnerships in Fitness, LLC @ To leave comments about this episode, or suggestions for future episodes please forward to"> ACW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC
All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
Episode 9
with Percy Robinson
Welcome to ACW Podcast, thank you for joining us. I am Robin Gabriel Parson your host and our co-host today is Percy Robinson. Our topic today is Nutrition for our body, mind, and spirit. We will be sharing the transformative journey of Percy Robinson Vegan Chef, in addition to his favorite recipes and meals.
Topics of Discussion
1. The journey of a Vegan Chef
2. How he overcame his diabetes diagnosis
3. Diabetes and Genetics
4. the Certified badass approach to nutrition.
5. Favorite recipes or meals
6. Taking charge of your health and nutrition is the best thing that you can do.
Note: For more information about Percy Robinson please forward inquiries to: Facebook: diabetes Kitchen Instagram: diabetes_kitchen YouTube: diabetes Kitchen
For more information about ACW Podcast please visit Partnerships in Fitness, LLC @ Before you go, be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and leave comments about this episode, or suggestions for future episodes. please forward to">
ACW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC
All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
Episode 10
with George Levett
Welcome to ACW Podcast, thank you for joining us. I am Robin Gabriel Parson your host and our co-host today is Mr. George Levett. Mr. Levett, is the Coroner for Rockdale County, GA. Our topic today is nutrition for the body but from a different perspective. This may be the first time we hear and observe food and nutrition from a dead body perspective…It’s alarming, shocking, and mind boggling. We truly thank Mr. Levett for opening our minds to this observation and looking forward to all he has to share.
Our Topics of Discussion Includes:
1. Observations of Health and Nutrition
2. What are the signs of poor nutrition in a dead body.
3. Which diseases and illnesses are more prevalent in a dead body that lacks proper nutrition?
4. You Can See Me Now or You Can See Me Later
5. Do the bodies of deceased African Americans show more signs of poor and nutrition opposed to their counterparts?
6. Taking control of their health today.
For more information about ACW Podcast please visit Partnerships in Fitness, LLC @ Before you go, be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and leave comments about this episode, or suggestions for future episodes. please forward to">
ACW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC
All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
with Tasheena Cole-Dunn
Welcome to ACW Podcast, thank you for joining us. I am Robin Gabriel Parson your host and our co-host today is Tasheena Cole-Dunn, Public Health Commentator. Our topic today is Nutrition for Life. We will be sharing public health information, education, and resources available to the public- free of charge. These resources can assist anyone interested in obtaining information on proper nutrition.
For more information about Heart Health or to contact Tasheena Cole-Dunn please forward inquiries to: or contact her via Facebook, and Instagram
For more information about ACW Podcast please visit Partnerships in Fitness, LLC @
Before you go, be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and leave comments about this episode, or suggestions for future episodes. please forward to">
ACW Podcast is produced by HpDMS for Partnerships in Fitness, LLC All episodes are written and directed by Robin Gabriel-Parson.
©2021 Partnerships In Fitness, LLC
Episode 12
with Dr Gary Gabriel
Welcome to ACW Podcast, thank you for joining us. I am Robin Gabriel Parson your host and our co-host today is Dr. Gary Gabriel, Life Science Expert. Our topic today is Nutrition and the Skin. We will be sharing with our listeners how Ja'Bodi helps to provide the nutrients the skin requires in order for the skin to age healthy.
Topics of Discussion Includes:
1. The importance of proper nutrition for the skin?
2. What are some of the key nutrients the skin needs in order for the organ to remain healthy?
3. What are the signs of poor nutrition when observing the skin?
4. What Ja’bodi products assist with revitalizing and restoring certain nutrients to the skin?
5. The different textures of skin and how different nutrients react.
6. Why do some skin age faster then others?
Episode 13
with Dawn Wells, and Tasheena Cole-Dunn
Welcome to ACW Podcast, thank you for joining us. I am Robin Gabriel Parson your host and our co-host today is Tasheena Cole-Dunn, Public Health Commentator and Dawn Wells, DWF Wellness. Our topic today is Women of Color in the Health & Wellness Industry.
Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture, and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. So, we decided we would end this month with highlighting women of color in the health and wellness industry. Today, I am honored to share the panel with two AMAZING Women of color who have dedicated their time, talent, knowledge, skills, and more to help others live health life styles.
I want you to hear their stories and what motivated them to focus their careers around helping others live health lifestyles.
Topics of Discussion:
• Motivation to choose health & wellness as a career?
• Finding yourself along the journey in your area of study or career?
• The importance of having women of color represented within the health & wellness industry?
• Overcoming challenges and working around stereotypical obstacles within the health and wellness industry.
• Words of Encouragement
• Belief in oneself and persevering against all odds
• What woman inspires you to live your truth?
Episode 14
Pt.1 (COVID-19)
with Dr Gary Gabriel
Our topic today is COVID-19 and Vaccine Awareness. This is the first of three episodes dedicated to a clear explanation of COVID-19.
Our discussion will address the effects of COVID-19 in people of color, especially African Americans communities. We shall also explore the historical social economic reasons why so many people of color refuse to be vaccinated.
We hope to dismiss some of the myths and uncertainties around Covid-19 and the Vaccine.
Episode 15
Pt 2 COVID 19 (The Vaccine)
with Dr Gary Gabriel
Our topic today is COVID-19 and Vaccine Awareness. This is the second of three episodes dedicated to a clear explanation of COVID-19.
Our discussion will address the history, and myths surrounding vaccines effects of COVID-19 in people of color, especially African Americans communities. We shall also explore the historical social economic reasons why so many people of color refuse to be vaccinated.
We hope to dismiss some of the myths and uncertainties around Covid-19 and the Vaccine.
Episode 16
Pt 3 COVID 19 (Building Our Immune System) with Dr Gary Gabriel
Our topic today is COVID-19 and Vaccine Awareness. This is the third and final of three episodes dedicated to a clear explanation of COVID-19.
Our discussion will address the history, and myths surrounding vaccines effects of COVID-19 in people of color, especially African Americans communities. We shall also explore the historical social economic reasons why so many people of color refuse to be vaccinated.
We hope to dismiss some of the myths and uncertainties around Covid-19, the Vaccine, and how to build our immune system naturally.
Episode 17
Let's Talk About SEX
with Tasheena Cole Dunn
Welcome to ACW Podcast, thank you for joining us. I am Robin Gabriel Parson your host and our co-host today is Tasheena Cole-Dunn, Public Health Commentator. Our topic this month is all about the connection of the body through Sexual Health and Selfcare. Yes, we are going to discuss a topic that maybe taboo for some and spiritual for others. We will explore the mental, physical, and spiritual components surrounding sex as well as providing resources to help restore sexual desires.